NASHVILLE – The State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) today released this statement from President and CEO David Mansouri about the 2018-19 TNReady statewide assessment results:
There is reason for optimism in the latest statewide assessment results, including historic academic growth for many districts across Tennessee. It’s encouraging to see that 41 percent of schools produced the two highest possible levels of student learning growth, and we applaud their success.
However, the results also show the need for greater urgency and more innovation to deliver faster growth for students who are below grade level and increased support to help our teachers and students meet the state’s high expectations. This is especially true in English language arts, where only a third of students are meeting grade-level expectations in reading and writing. For black, Hispanic, and Native American students, literacy proficiency is an alarming 18.4 percent.
Student learning in K-12 sets the stage for their chance to succeed in college, career, and life. TNReady is a critical measurement tool to take the pulse of how well our state is serving all students.
The State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) drives for changes that transform education in Tennessee – from kindergarten through postsecondary education. We work to ensure all students receive an excellent K-12 public education, earn a credential or postsecondary degree, and are prepared for a career that enables economic independence. An independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan institution, SCORE was founded in 2009 by Senator Bill Frist, MD, former US Senate Majority Leader.