
Statement from SCORE on Tennessee's ACT results

August 22, 2012
The State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) released the following statement today from Jamie Woodson, President and CEO, on the release of the 2012 ACT test results for Tennessee: “Over the last year, many schools and school districts in Tennessee have seen increases in student achievement and growth on our state’s assessments. The ACT is an important national indicator of how prepared Tennessee students are for postsecondary education. While the results released today do show small improvements, far too many Tennessee students are graduating high school unprepared for the future. In Tennessee, only 16 percent of students are prepared for postsecondary across all four ACT benchmarks (English, reading, math, and science). This reality underscores the importance of Tennessee’s work to raise academic standards – we must bridge the gap between the 85.5 percent of students who graduate high school in Tennessee and the 16 percent who are actually postsecondary and workforce ready. By raising expectations through efforts like the Common Core State Standards, we can better prepare students for success.”