
Creating Stronger Pathways From K-12 To Postsecondary

August 26, 2022
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This Friday’s Focus features panelists from Greater Together Clarksville, an exciting new partnership between Clarksville-Montgomery County Schools, Nashville State Community College in Clarksville, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Dickson, and Austin Peay State University. Greater Together Clarksville’s goal is to strengthen and streamline the student pipeline from high school to higher education.

SCORE helps to incubate, support, and advise Greater Together Clarksville with the goal of improving Clarksville students’ postsecondary preparation, access, and success. The Greater Together Clarksville partners developed shared goals and a data dashboard to inform interventions for students.

This episode shows how the Greater Together Clarksville partners are working together to:

  • Ensure that seniors are aware of postsecondary opportunities in their community by removing barriers and opening lines of communication between all institutions. 
  • Develop shared goals and use a data warehouse, creating a one-stop hub for all data regarding seniors who have applied for TN Promise. 
  • Identify and support students who are not meeting benchmarks such as completing the FAFSA and college applications.

This episode highlights how partnerships like this one are strengthening the K-12 to college pipeline and building a strong regional workforce.