
Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Talent: A Guide To Education-Employer Models

February 20, 2024

SCORE’s guide to partnerships between employers and K-12 and postsecondary institutions that put students on clear pathways to jobs that enable economic independence. 

Tennessee’s economy is booming, creating a wealth of jobs and opportunity. But not all Tennessee students are prepared to access these jobs, most of which require some type of postsecondary education. Education-employer models help ensure students can earn credentials and degrees that prepare them for careers that enable economic independence.     

Developed in collaboration with Tennessee educators and employers, this guide outlines the key elements of successful education-employer partnerships and includes innovative actions for employers to take in developing these partnerships. Additionally, it provides an overview of several national models and Tennessee models where partnerships between learning institutions and employers are preparing students for jobs that meet employer and industry needs.  

Types Of Education-Employer Models  

  • Internships 
  • Pre-Apprenticeships, Apprenticeships 
  • Industry-Informed High School Models 
  • Accelerated Credentials/Degrees 
  • Nondegree Credentials 
  • Stackable Credentials 
  • Traditional Degree Programs 

Key Elements Of Successful Education-Employer Partnerships 

  • Start with data to drive partnership. 
  • Codesign learning models for students. 
  • Provide opportunity for students to earn credentials and transition into employment. 
  • Dedicate staff to focus on connecting education and work. 
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