
Improving Postsecondary Outcomes And Offering Clear Career Pathways For Low-Income Students

October 29, 2021
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Propel America is an organization that brings together high schools, postsecondary institutions, and employers in a unified system of skill-building, job placement, and ongoing planning to help young adults, particularly those from low-income backgrounds, achieve greater postsecondary education and career success. Join us to learn more about their model and how Tennessee can use these strategies to improve postsecondary outcomes and offer clear career pathways for low-income students.

In this Friday’s Focus, SCORE President and CEO David Mansouri talks with Paymon Rouhanifard, the former director of public schools in Camden, New Jersey, who is now cofounder and CEO of Propel America.

Watch this episode and learn:

  • The postsecondary challenges that impact college retention and completion for low-income students
  • Why the choice between immediate but limited earnings vs. delayed earnings with accrued debt following high school graduation is a fallacy
  • How K-12, postsecondary institutions, and industry can think creatively and work together to create pathways to economic stability for students, particularly those who are low-income and historically marginalized
  • How a “jobs-first higher education” program benefits students and employers
  • How to create Pell-eligible credentialing programs that stack into undergraduate degrees, helping students earn a living wage and helping employers with workforce recruitment and retention