Funding Student Opportunity Through Tennessee’s Outcomes-Based Formula
High-Quality Public Charter Schools | Data Insights | Postsecondary Success | Innovative Models | K-12 Success
Tennessee Public Charter Schools Are Preparing Students For Postsecondary Education
April 3, 2023
In 2023, there were 114 charter schools in Tennessee, serving approximately 44,000 students — 5 percent of the state’s total student population. The resources below provide key data regarding the enrollment, demographics, and performance of public charter schools in Tennessee.
READ MORE![Close-up of a panel table. A panelist in a red suit jacket sits with hands clasped, resting on the table in front of them. A binder full of papers lays open on the table as well.](https://tnscore.org/assets/page-banners/13911701130_0ffb606328_3k.jpg)
Teachers & Leaders | K-12 Success
Policies Toolkit
March 10, 2021
New laws will enable our state to take on some of the biggest challenges facing K-12 education – addressing Tennessee’s literacy crisis, hastening learning recovery from pandemic disruptions, continuing statewide assessment of student learning while installing a year of accountability flexibility, and increasing teacher compensation.
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2011-2012 State of Education
January 1, 2012
When SCORE released its State of Education in Tennessee report in March 2011, Tennessee had passed a series of policy changes that transformed the state into a national leader for education reform. Building on these early policy successes, 2011 ushered in the beginning of the tough and challenging work of implementation — of turning policy changes into tangible student achievement gains. While progress continues to be made, there is much work left to be done to prepare Tennessee’s students for college and the workforce.
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Teachers & Leaders | K-12 Success
Standards and Assessment: Setting High Expectations and Monitoring Progress
July 7, 2024
Tennessee’s commitment to high academic standards, aligned assessments, and to using data to support improved student outcomes moved our state from the bottom of the pack nationally in education outcomes to one of the fastest growing in the country. We should remain committed to high expectations through rigorous academic standards and aligned assessments that provide essential data about student achievement and growth.
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Teachers & Leaders | Education Finance | K-12 Success
Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement: Prioritizing Student-Centered Funding
September 18, 2024
The Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) modernized the state’s K-12 education funding formula to focus on individual student need while establishing a foundation of education finance that supports all students to succeed in school, careers, and life. Tennessee should remain committed to the TISA funding formula as a foundational policy that provides the resources for initiatives and investments that drive improved student outcomes.
READ MORE![A middle-school student in a grey sweatshirt sits at a table and contentedly works. The student uses small orange blocks to build and count.](https://tnscore.org/assets/page-banners/51658942393_0de246aa62_6k.jpg)
Data Insights | K-12 Success
K-12 By The Numbers
December 7, 2022
SCORE analyzed data from Tennessee’s public K-12 school districts and compiled a snapshot of key indicators of student success. With the right data about student outcomes, state leaders, educators, and advocates can better understand the key metrics to watch and begin to understand the successes and challenges of improving educational opportunities for all students.
READ MORE![A view of a college campus. This view contains a central path with trees and foliage on either side, a light post, and a red-brick building.](https://tnscore.org/assets/page-banners/49939086918_39a1d6130d_6k.jpg)
Data Insights | Postsecondary Success
Higher Ed by the Numbers Data Dashboard
April 17, 2024
SCORE analyzed data from Tennessee’s public higher education institutions and compiled a snapshot of preparation, persistence, and success for postsecondary students. With the right data about student outcomes, state leaders, educators, and advocates can better understand the key metrics to watch and begin to understand the successes and challenges of improving degree and credential attainment.
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Postsecondary Success | K-12 Success
Equity & Quality of Access
January 2, 2020
Tennessee is known across the country for its thoughtful and comprehensive higher education policy structure, which has been built on over a decade of student-focused policy changes at both the K-12 and postsecondary levels. However, despite the many strong policies in place, there is still much work to be done by Tennessee leaders in order to help the state reach its higher education goals.
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Postsecondary Success | Innovative Models
Supporting Postsecondary Student Success
January 13, 2020
The first meeting of the 2020-21 Complete Tennessee Leadership Institute (CTLI) program focused on equity and quality of access to higher education. For the second meeting, the policy discussions will focus on the theme of supporting postsecondary student success. Once students have started their higher education journey, how can state and local leaders help them stay continuously enrolled and make steady progress toward their goals?
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Postsecondary Success | Education-to-Career Pathways
Educating the Workforce of Tomorrow
October 1, 2017
Tennessee’s economy is growing, with the lowest unemployment rate in recorded state history and rising wages. Across Tennessee’s public high schools, students are achieving at higher levels on end of course exams and graduating at historic levels.[3,4] Tennessee Promise has lowered financial barriers to postsecondary education for tens of thousands of students.[5] It seems there is no better time to be a Tennessee student transitioning from high school to postsecondary and career than now.
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K-12 Success
A Review of Tennessee’s Draft English Language Arts Academic Standards
November 11, 2015
This report provides a review of the draft of the Tennessee English Language Arts Standards (TES) released in October 2015 to determine whether they are high-quality standards that prepare students, over the course of their K–12 education careers, for success in credit-bearing college courses and quality, high-growth jobs. To complete this review, the State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) partnered with Achieve, an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit education reform organization dedicated to working with states to raise academic standards and graduation requirements, improve assessments, and strengthen accountability.
READ MORE![](https://tnscore.org/assets/document-thumbnails/TN-Academic-Standards-Review-_Math_11-2015.pdf-4174.jpg)
K-12 Success
A Review of Tennessee’s Draft Mathematics Academic Standards
November 1, 2015
The purpose of this review is to examine the October 2015 draft of the Tennessee Math Standards (Draft TMS) to determine whether they are high-quality standards that prepare students, over the course of their K–12 education careers, for success in credit-bearing college courses and quality, highgrowth jobs. To complete this review, the State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) partnered with Achieve, an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit education reform organization dedicated to working with states to raise academic standards and graduation requirements, improve assessments, and strengthen accountability.