
Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement: Prioritizing Student-Centered Funding

September 18, 2024

The Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) modernized the state’s K-12 education funding formula to focus on individual student need while establishing a foundation of education finance that supports all students to succeed in school, careers, and life. Tennessee should remain committed to the TISA funding formula as a foundational policy that provides the resources for initiatives and investments that drive improved student outcomes.

Key takeaways:

  • TISA modernized the outdated Basic Education Program (BEP) funding formula by increasing the overall amount of funding and making funding more driven by student need.
  • TISA makes K-12 education funding more transparent and increases local empowerment and accountability. 
  • TISA generates funding for students based on unique characteristics across four categories: base, weights, direct funding, and outcome bonuses.