
Using High-Dosage Tutoring To Support Student Learning Loss

October 1, 2021
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SCORE’s David Mansouri leads a conversation with Dr. Keri Randolph (Metro Nashville Public Schools), and Brad Gellman and Samantha Margolis (BrightPath Tutors) discuss MNPS’s Accelerating Scholars high-impact tutoring program, launched in partnership with BrightPath, PENCIL, and others.

Working with BrightPath, MNPS plans to match up to 7,000-plus students with trained, high-impact volunteer tutors during this school year to support the students with elementary reading and middle school math.

As leaders and educators across Tennessee continue to respond to student learning loss and other impacts from the pandemic, it is more critical than ever to embrace and learn from opportunities like high-dosage tutoring and other student-focused practices to find ways to quickly help get students back on track.