Research & Innovation


SCORE provides research and insights on the latest education issues to provide a deeper understanding of policies and practices connected to improving student success. 

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Data Insights | Innovative Models | Education-to-Career Pathways | K-12 Success

SCORE Institute: AI's Impact on Education and Career Pathways

January 17, 2025

How can education and workforce leaders work together to explore the transformative potential offered by generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and equip students with the skills and knowledge to be successful in careers of the future? A virtual SCORE Institute, AI’s Impact on Education and Career Pathways, on Jan. 13, 2025, focused on this very important connection as the influence of GenAI grows in real time across Tennessee.  


Teachers & Leaders | Innovative Models | K-12 Success

Tennessee's Teacher Pipeline: Initiatives to Increase Student Access to Effective Teachers

November 13, 2024

The fourth in SCORE’s Educator Labor Market series, this report looks at how Tennessee is addressing staffing challenges in K-12 districts, how well those efforts are working, and how better access to data can help inform future decisions and investments to address the localized nature of teacher shortages in Tennessee. 


Innovative Models | Education-to-Career Pathways

Connecting Education & Opportunity: A Framework for Credential Impact in Tennessee

October 24, 2024

Tennessee stands at a crossroads where the future prosperity of its students and its economy depends on better supporting students through education toward workforce opportunities.  In Connecting Education & Opportunity: A Framework for Credential Impact in Tennessee, SCORE presents a data-informed lens through which we can identify which postsecondary pursuits are also matched to high-demand, high-wage jobs. This framework is rooted in key measures of earnings, job outlook, and stackability that work together to give a clearer pathway toward student opportunity. 


Teachers & Leaders | Innovative Models | K-12 Success

Leading in Literacy: Building Early Literacy Partner Teams

September 26, 2024

Teachers trained in Tennessee are staying in Tennessee to teach. So, what can their training institutions (educator preparation providers, or EPPs) and future districts do to foster an even deeper connection between training and the classroom? The question is particularly important to ensure effective instruction reflecting Tennessee’s new literacy policies. Collaboration between EPPs and school districts is critical. This paper offers both a framework for this new model and an elementary school site visit toolkit.  


Teachers & Leaders | Innovative Models

Unlocking AI: A Primer for Educators

September 24, 2024

As of fall 2023, more than half of all U.S. workers use artificial intelligence (AI) for work. The education field is no exception to this trend, as teachers across the nation are exploring ways AI can transform their work and help students learn. Despite the incredible promise of this new technology, many educators are still at the starting line — nationally, over half of teachers have never used AI. The opportunity that generative AI (GenAI) — programs that can generate text, images, and other media — brings to Tennessee’s classrooms, however, is worth the exploration. Our memo outlines two readily available tools for teachers to either dip a toe in the water or take a full-on first dive into AI to experience the possibilities and limitations of AI in its current state.  


Teachers & Leaders | Innovative Models | K-12 Success

Strategic School Staffing: Tennessee’s Opportunity To Sustain And Elevate Great Teaching

May 8, 2024

Access to highly effective teachers is essential for student achievement. However, growing evidence suggests students have unreliable and inequitable access to effective educators, with many school districts reporting high levels of teacher vacancies. This series examines the challenges facing Tennessee’s educator labor market and highlights innovative practices to strengthen it.


Teachers & Leaders | High-Quality Public Charter Schools | Data Insights | Education Finance | Postsecondary Success | Innovative Models | Education-to-Career Pathways | K-12 Success

2024 State of Education in Tennessee: Building A Brighter Future

December 5, 2023

Tennessee is a leader in piloting and scaling efforts to strengthen student success. Foundational strategies have been grounded in high expectations for educators, schools, and students – from the time students enter the classroom to the time they receive a degree or credential. This work is yielding demonstrated results for students. However, while progress has been made, it is clear more needs to be done. Tennessee’s next challenge is to expand its vision for education so that each student not only has the opportunity to succeed in school but also has the opportunity to be prepared for a career that enables economic independence.


High-Quality Public Charter Schools | Data Insights | Innovative Models | K-12 Success

National Study Highlights Student Growth In Tennessee Public Charter Schools

August 1, 2023

In 2023, there were 114 charter schools in Tennessee, serving approximately 44,000 students — 5 percent of the state’s total student population. The resources below provide key data regarding the enrollment, demographics, and performance of public charter schools in Tennessee.


Teachers & Leaders | High-Quality Public Charter Schools | Innovative Models | K-12 Success

A SPOTLIGHT ON Nashville Classical Charter School

April 3, 2023

Founded in 2013, Nashville Classical Charter School (NCCS) serves a racially, economically, and geographically diverse group of 550 students in grades K-8. Seventy percent of NCCS students are Black or LatinX, and the student body represents 26 unique zip codes from across the greater Nashville area.


Teachers & Leaders | High-Quality Public Charter Schools | Innovative Models | K-12 Success

A SPOTLIGHT ON Purpose Preparatory Academy Charter School

April 3, 2023

Located in North Nashville, Purpose Preparatory Academy Charter School serves 352 students in grades K-5. Nearly 95 percent of its students are Black. Purpose Prep aims to provide all students with a rigorous curriculum, high-quality instruction, and positive character development to ensure they are prepared for college.


High-Quality Public Charter Schools | Data Insights | Postsecondary Success | Innovative Models | K-12 Success

Tennessee Public Charter Schools Are Preparing Students For Postsecondary Education

April 3, 2023

In 2023, there were 114 charter schools in Tennessee, serving approximately 44,000 students — 5 percent of the state’s total student population. The resources below provide key data regarding the enrollment, demographics, and performance of public charter schools in Tennessee.


High-Quality Public Charter Schools | Data Insights | Innovative Models

Tennessee Public Charter School Achievement And Growth

April 3, 2023

In 2023, there were 114 charter schools in Tennessee, serving approximately 44,000 students — 5 percent of the state’s total student population. The resources below provide key data regarding the enrollment, demographics, and performance of public charter schools in Tennessee.