It’s that time of year where you are either in or close to your spring break, or in the final stretch of the school year. That also means it’s an incredibly busy time of the year, including a variety of state assessments and end of the year events. Responding to the Tennessee Educator Survey may not be high on your priority list – but it should be!

If you have already completed your survey, way to go! You may stop reading. If not, you’re probably wondering why you should even bother with the survey. Or maybe you’re asking yourself, who even looks at the results? Does my opinion even matter?

Let’s take a look at why this survey is worth your time:

It’s quick: As teachers, our time is extremely valuable. You can complete the survey in 15-20 minutes. The survey can be taken whenever or wherever it is convenient for you, before school, during your planning, or at night, since, let’s be honest, most of us do not have time during the day.
It’s confidential: The results will not define you individually. The district and school the teacher is from will be determined, but nothing further. Your district will not have access to your individual responses. So be honest with your feedback!
It’s a chance to share your voice: Often as teachers, we want our school, district, and state leaders to hear and listen to our opinions. If there are issues or concerns you are passionate about, this is your opportunity to lift your voice. This survey can jumpstart discussions on how to make improvements in your school as well as across our state.
It’s taken seriously: My district is using the results of this survey in place of another survey given in years past regarding school climate. Our district leaders have encouraged participation and are interested in using the results to improve school culture. Areas that are weak will be considered and focused upon for improvement for the upcoming year.
It’s based upon participation: For your district to receive any reports from the state, the district needs at least 45% of teachers to complete the survey. Schools are also eligible for weekly drawings based upon participation rates. Therefore, your participation is important!
There’s nothing to lose: If you find yourself in a school with a negative culture and climate, taking the survey is not going to fix that overnight. But the more people that share a unified voice, the more likely things will begin to change. On the flip side, if you are fortunate enough to work in a school with a positive culture, it is worthwhile to lift this up. School and district leaders who receive positive feedback will certainly want to maintain that path and continue with strategies that support a positive atmosphere.

As teachers, our voice matters. Take the time to let your opinions be heard! The higher the teacher participation across the state, the better our views are represented. Share your voice by completing the Tennessee Educator Survey by April 20.