Two panelists sit behind a table, face each other, and smile as they converse. One panelist seems to be motioning warmly with their hands. The table in front of them holds name tags, laptops, papers, and beverages.

What We Do

Collaborative Convenings

SCORE convenes local, state, and national partners to explore and drive innovative solutions to support Tennessee students. We engage community leaders, educators, policymakers, and advocates to increase the number of voices sharing student-focused perspectives.

Annual Event

State of Education In Tennessee

Join us on Dec. 6 at the Frist Art Museum in Nashville. Together, we’ll explore and discuss our upcoming report, 2025 State of Education In Tennessee: Casting a Vision for Student Success. Fueled by new statewide goals and data points that help us track progress, this year’s report lays out six priorities our state must focus on to prepare students across their K-12 and postsecondary journey for careers that enable economic independence.

SCORE’s annual State of Education in Tennessee report monitors the state’s progress in improving student outcomes, delineates work that has contributed to achievement gains, and provides recommendations to the state to ensure we continue to prepare all students for success. The report is presented at SCORE’s annual State of Education in Tennessee event.

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Complete Tennessee Leadership Institute

The Complete Tennessee Leadership Institute (CTLI) strengthens leadership capacity to increase postsecondary credential attainment in Tennessee. The program is jointly administered by SCORE and The Hunt Institute, a nonprofit focused on research, educational partnerships, and events related to improving education policy. CTLI is tailored for thought leaders in higher education issues from postsecondary institutions, K-12 districts, state and local government, and advocacy organizations.

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