Five early-middle-school aged students stand lined up next to one another in a school hallway. They are all smiling and wearing backpacks. The walls around them are adorned with student work.

What We Do

Policy & Advocacy

SCORE champions educational excellence in Tennessee by advocating for student-focused policies. Through research, collaboration, and strategic partnerships, SCORE drives changes in Tennessee education policy and practice that help ensure all students have access to an education that prepares them for a life of economic independence. 

State of Education in Tennessee

The specific policy and practice recommendations for which SCORE advocates each year are included in its annual State of Education in Tennessee report.

Read the 2024 report

Data-Driven Policy & Advocacy

SCORE delves into research and analyzes data on current education issues to provide a deeper understanding of policies connected to improving student success. Additionally, we engage community and business leaders, educators, student support organizations, and others to advocate together on behalf of students. 

Research & Data

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Leading in Literacy: Building Early Literacy Partner Teams

September 26, 2024

Teachers trained in Tennessee are staying in Tennessee to teach. So, what can their training institutions (educator preparation providers, or EPPs) and future districts do to foster an even deeper connection between training and the classroom? 

The question is particularly important to ensure effective instruction reflecting Tennessee’s new literacy policies. Collaboration between EPPs and school districts is critical. This paper offers both a framework for this new model and an elementary school site visit toolkit.  


Unlocking AI: A Primer for Educators

September 24, 2024

As of fall 2023, more than half of all U.S. workers use artificial intelligence (AI) for work. The education field is no exception to this trend, as teachers across the nation are exploring ways AI can transform their work and help students learn. Despite the incredible promise of this new technology, many educators are still at the starting line — nationally, over half of teachers have never used AI. The opportunity that generative AI (GenAI) — programs that can generate text, images, and other media — brings to Tennessee’s classrooms, however, is worth the exploration. Our memo outlines two readily available tools for teachers to either dip a toe in the water or take a full-on first dive into AI to experience the possibilities and limitations of AI in its current state.  


Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement: Prioritizing Student-Centered Funding

September 18, 2024

The Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) modernized the state’s K-12 education funding formula to focus on individual student need while establishing a foundation of education finance that supports all students to succeed in school, careers, and life. Tennessee should remain committed to the TISA funding formula as a foundational policy that provides the resources for initiatives and investments that drive improved student outcomes.


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