A teacher sitting at a kidney-shaped table explains an assignment to a group of elementary students, who are actively listening and engaging in a brightly lit classroom.

What We Do

Practice & Implementation

We develop effective approaches by working directly with schools, districts, postsecondary institutions, and employers to innovate and generate proof points. Examples include leading early literacy practice networks, supporting districts to build dashboards to analyze their dual enrollment offerings, and spearheading college persistence efforts focused on historically underserved student groups.

Practice Spotlight

Lead in Literacy Network

Among SCORE’s strategic practice efforts, we focus on preparing future teachers to teach high-quality early literacy curriculum grounded in the science of reading through the Lead in Literacy Network. The partnership includes faculty from Tennessee EPPs and partner K-12 school districts. The network piloted a common set of tools and knowledge to enhance candidate training in early literacy, ultimately contributing to a more skilled teaching workforce prepared to meet student needs with research-backed practices from their first day on the job.

Implementation Spotlight

Learning Acceleration

Delivering effective instruction and strategic support to students is a top priority for Tennessee educators. SCORE has prepared these resources for teachers, school and district leaders, and education advocates to guide planning, implementation, and funding for initiatives designed to accelerate student learning.

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In 2022, Tennessee passed the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act — a nation-leading, student-centered funding formula for K-12 education. To support school leaders to make the most of the new funding formula, SCORE launched TISA implementation networks.

See Full Impact


Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA)

A student-centered funding formula for K-12 that includes an additional $1B investment weighted for different student groups.


TISA Implementation Networks

Supporting districts and public charter schools that impact over one-fifth of Tennessee’s K-12 public school population.

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