Education is changing daily in Tennessee, and SCORE communicates regularly about these developments with stakeholders, educators, parents, and the public at large.

Without Data, You Are Just Another Person with an Opinion

The July/August issue of The Atlantic magazine featured a fascinating article on German scientist and education analyst Andreas Schleicher (“The World’s Schoolmaster”).  Schleicher was a leader in creating the PISA assessment, a survey given every three years to a sample of 15-year-olds in every country in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). First…


Finding Solutions for Our Rural Schools and Communities

  In three weeks, education experts, including Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, the U.S. Department of Education’s John White, and Rural Trust Executive Director Doris Williams, will be speaking to educators, administrators, policymakers, and other stakeholders from throughout Tennessee and as far away as North Dakota at SCORE’s Southeast Regional Rural Education Summit. The…