Power Center Academy sets the standard for proficiency in Memphis. The school holds its teachers and students accountable for an 80 percent proficiency benchmark. If students find they are below the school’s average, one teacher says they have nothing to worry about with Power Center Academy’s team of dedicated teachers and staff who have the willingness and patience to work with students who perform below grade level. Carefully tracking student data and maintaining an emphasis on high expectations make the commitment to education at Power Center Academy contagious, which is one of the reasons why Power Center was the 2011 SCORE Prize middle school winner. On Monday, October 8, SCORE will award the second annual SCORE Prize at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. Please click here to reserve your free tickets to the event.

We hope that Power Center’s story of success will inspire you to continue in your own work to prepare students for success after high school. Please watch this video and read PCA’s Promising Practice to hear about their best practices to improve student achievement in Memphis.