Letter from Jamie Woodson: SCORE Education Impact Series Begins with the Military and National Security

Dear Friends, A strong education touches all facets of society. Schools mold students, but those students then become doctors, farmers, soldiers, business owners, and citizens of tomorrow. From healthcare to the economy, K-12 education affects the vitality of diverse fields of industry and the community at large.  Education is not just an end in itself,…


Letter from Jamie Woodson: Tennessee Can Make Sure Early-Career Teachers Are Prepared for Day One

Dear Friends, Tennessee has become a national leader in raising student achievement because of strong resolve to set bold student achievement goals and to make ground-breaking change to reach those goals. On Tuesday, SCORE released Prepared for Day One: Improving the Effectiveness of Early-Career Teaching, a report that explores new opportunities to support greater student…


Letter from Jamie Woodson: Learning, Growing, and Developing New Strategies for Student Success

Dear Friends, The SCORE Prize Summit, a 36-hour event that brought hundreds of Tennessee educators together to learn, grow, and develop new strategies for student success, began bright and early on a Friday morning. With their first cups of coffee, these educators from all across the state began conversations that echoed around the convention site…